Utilize nuclear SMRs -- small modular reactors -- for big-tech?
“Microsoft Needs So Much Power to Train AI That It’s Considering Small Nuclear Reactors” by Victor Tangermann:
“Small Nuclear Reactors: The Answer To Big Tech’s Energy Crisis?” By Felicity Bradstock
Read more…The Unlikely World Leader Who Just Dispelled Musk's Utopian AI Dreams
Published by Yair Rosenberg from the Atlantic.
By Yair Rosenberg, a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of its newsletter Deep Shtetl, about the intersection of politics, culture, and religion.
Read more…artificial intelligence: AI at the workplace and other articles from telepolis
Published by telepolis from heise verlag:
telepolis.de/Künstliche Intelligenz am Arbeitsplatz: Wie die Furcht vor ihr gelindert wird
“Neue Technologien stoßen oft auf Ablehnung unter Beschäftigten. Das muss aber nicht so sein. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt zeigt, was hilft und was zu tun ist.” von Marcus Schwarzbach
Read more…artificial intelligence: profit versus freedom
Published by Yves Smith from naked capitalism: “Fearless commentary on finance, economics, politics and power”. A insightful publication with lots of cat-fotos all over the place.
By Richard D. Wolff, professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a visiting professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University, in New York.
Read more…chatGPT about the influence of AI on economy
what will be the future effects of AI on the economy and society?
The future effects of AI on the economy and society are likely to be significant and multifaceted. While it is challenging to predict with certainty, here are some potential impacts:
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